Advanced Grant Writing Series - Part II: Evaluation & Budget Planning
with Melinda Meyer
only 4 seats left
During this series of three one-hour sessions, participants will learn about planning, evaluation, and budgeting for grant proposals, as well as the ins and outs of the grant review process. Designed for staff and volunteers of nonprofits interested in learning more about writing grants, session topics are:
April 1: Creating & Using Logic Models - Session one of the three-part Advanced Grant Writing Workshop will provide an overview of logic models and how to create and use a logic model in project planning.
April 8: Evaluation & Budget Planning - Session two of the three-part Advanced Grant Writing Workshop will focus on developing meaningful evaluation strategies and tools and preparing realistic and thoughtful budgets - key pieces to any grant application.
April 15: Understanding the Grant Review Process - In this final session of the Advanced Grant Writing Workshop, participants will learn about grant review processes, include peer review and assessment rubrics.
Preregister for one, two, or all three sessions of this FREE three-part series! All sessions will be held from 5p-6p at the Corry Higher Education Council. Preregistration required by visiting or by calling 814-664-9405.
Apr 8th, 2025
Tue from 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Corry Higher Education Council
(814) 664-9405
221 N. Center St.
Corry, PA 16407
Get directions
Room: Bracken Room